These are our simplest and lowest cost units in two capacities. They have 153mm adjustable legs with a sloping ice access lid in the front of the bin. The lid is lifted and held open with a stainless catch mounted on the front of the ice machine, while the ice is scooped out.
Low cost and hygienic construction
Ice must be removed by hand with a scoop and the conventional design means the first ice used is the newest ice from the top of the bin which can result in stale ice gathering in the bottom of the bin unless emptied regularly.
These are our middle range of bins in terms of cost and features.
Hygienic design, strong build
While ice can be removed rapidly by shovel, it must still be removed by hand.
These are our highest specification manual ice bin. They consist of an elevated ice bin on a frame with a cart(s) that plug in underneath. The ice is loaded into the cart by pulling a handle, the ice then falls into the bin and the handle pushed back to seal up the bin again.
Ice is removed by gravity which saves labour in scooping and shoveling, first ice in is the first ice out, so no possibility of stale ice build-up in the bottom of the bin.
For large automatic ice storage solutions see our Dynamic ice storage section.