A range of self contained ice machines, which are ready to run and only need connecting to power and water.
Please click on the range of machines you require for more information
A range of compact ice machines with integrated storage, ideal for laboratory use and retailers who only require a small amount of ice.
Flake Ice
30 - 110kg / 24h
125kg nugget ice machine, on it's own or with ice storage
Nugget Ice
125kg per 24 hours
A range of compact ice machines for use on board fishing vessels.
150 - 350kg / 24h
150kg flake ice machine, on it's own or with a range of ice storage options
150kg per 24 hours
250kg flake ice machine, on it's own or with a range of ice storage options
250kg per 24 hours
300kg nugget ice machine, on it's own or with ice storage
300kg per 24 hours
350kg flake ice machine, on it's own or with a range of ice storage options
350kg per 24 hours
A 375kg tropical specification flake ice machine, on it's own or with a range of ice storage options
375kg per 24 hours